Donald K. Adams

Donald K. Adams

Fellow: Awarded 1937
Field of Study: Psychology

Competition: US & Canada

Duke University

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:


ADAMS, DONALD KEITH:  Appointed to formulate a comprehensive theory of the structure and growth of minds and to test it by application to the data and problems of child psychology; tenure, twelve months from August 1, 1937.


Born March 6, 1902, at Orrville, Ohio. Education:  Pennsylvania State College, A.B., 1923; Harvard University, A.M., 1925; Yale University, Ph.D., 1927 (Sterling Fellow, 1927–28). National Research Council Fellow, Berlin, 1929–31.


Research Assistant, 1925–28, Yale Institute of Psychology; Instructor of Psychology, 1928–29, Wesleyan University; Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1931—, Duke University.


Publications:  Articles in Psychological Review, Comparative Psychology Monographs, British Journal of Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, Journal of General Psychology. Translator (with K. E. Zener) and editor of Dynamic Theory of Personality, 1935.

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