A. A. Bitancourt
A. A. Bitancourt
Competition: Latin America & Caribbean
Instituto Biologico de São Paulo
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1941–42:
Latin American Exchange Fellows, 1941
Appointed from Brazil:
BITANCOURT, AGESILAU ANTONIO: Appointed for a study of the virus diseases of citrus and of fungus parasites of other economic plants; tenure, twelve months from December 1, 1941.
Born June 6, 1899, at Manaus, Brazil. Education: Bachelor of Secondary Education, 1917, Certificate of Higher Studies, 1918, 1919, University of Paris. Agricultural Engineer, National Institute of Agronomy, Paris, 1919.
Assistant in Phytopahtology, 1920, Biological Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture; Acting Professor of Botany, 1926, School of Agriculture, Piracicaba; Director of the Experimental Station of Agrosoloty, 1928, Minsitry of Agriculture; Phytopathologist, 1931, Sub-director, 1933—, Biological Institute of São Paulo.
Publications: Estrutura anatômica das principais plantas cultivadas no Brasil, 1923; A podridão do pé das Laranjeiras, 1933; As manchas das laranjas, 1934. Articles in Annaes da Sociedade Brasileira de Agronomia, Archivos do Instituto Biológico de Defesa Agrícola e Animal, Boletim do Ministerio da Agricultura, O Biológio, Chacaras e Quintaes, Rodriguésia, Moniteur International de la Protection des Plantes, Agrícola, Preceedings of the 6th Congress of Sugar Cane Technologists, Phytopathology, Mycologia, Journal of Agricultural Research, Chrónica Botánica, Philippine Agriculturist, Proceedings of the 8th American Congress of Science, Revista de la Asociación de Ingenieros Agrónomos, Folhetos do Instituto Biológico de Defesa Agrícola e Animal.