A. Cornelius Benjamin
A. Cornelius Benjamin
Competition: US & Canada
University of Illinois, Urbana
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
Benjamin, A. Cornelius: Appointed for research in logic and scientific methodology in England and France with a view to preparing a systematic treatise on “The Logic of Science”; tenure, twelve months from June 15, 1930.
Born August 25, 1897, at Grand Rapids, Michigan. Education: Grand Rapids Junior College; University of Michigan, A.B., 1920, A.M., 1921, Ph.D., 1924.
Assistant in Mathematics, 1920, Teaching Assistant in Philosophy, 1922, University of Michigan; Assistant in Philosophy, 1923, Instructor, 1923–27, Associate, 1927, Assistant Professor, 1928–29, University of Illinois.
Publications: “The Logical Atomism of Bertrand Russell,” 1927. Articles in Journal of Philosophy, Monist, and Philosophical Review.