Albert Hofstadter

Albert Hofstadter

Fellow: Awarded 1943
Field of Study: Philosophy

Competition: US & Canada

New York University

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:

HOFSTADTER, ALBERT.  Appointed for studies in the history of empiricism; tenure, twelve months from June 1943 (postponed).

Born March 28, 1910, New York City. Education:  College of the City of New York, B.S., 1929; Columbia University, M.A., 1934, Ph.D., 1935.

Lecturer in Philosophy, 1933–34, Columbia University; Instructor in Philosophy, 1934—, New York University.

Publications:  Locke and Scepticism, 1935. Articles and reviews in Journal of Philosophy, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophy of Science, Nation.



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