Yaacob Dweck

Yaacob Dweck

Fellow: Awarded 2020
Field of Study: European and Latin American History

Competition: US & Canada

Yaacob Dweck studies the Jews of early modern Europe. He has written two books, The Scandal of Kabbalah: Leon Modena, Jewish Mysticism, Early Modern Venice (2011) and Dissident Rabbi: The Life of Jacob Sasportas (2019), as well as an introduction to the reprint of Sabbetai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah by Gershom Scholem. Currently he is working on rabbinic reactionaries in the early modern Sephardic Diaspora and a Hebrew edition and English translation of Leon Modena’s Ari Nohem. Dweck translates modern Hebrew fiction and is at work with Nicholas de Lange on a translation of Ziklag Days by S. Yizhar.

Photo Credit: Sameer Khan/Photobuddy LLC

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