Dolores Hayden

Dolores Hayden

Fellow: Awarded 1981
Field of Study: Architecture, Planning and Design

Competition: US & Canada

University of California, Los Angeles

Dolores Hayden is the author of Building Suburbia, A Field Guide to Sprawl, and several other award-winning books about the history of American landscapes and the politics of place. She is past president of the Urban History Association and a professor at Yale University.

Hayden is also a widely published poet. Her new collection, Nymph, Dun, and Spinner, appeared in November 2010. Recent poems appear in The Yale Review, The American Scholar, Raritan, Slate, and The Best American Poetry 2009. She has received awards from the Poetry Society of America and the New England Poetry Society. In 2008 she gave the Phi Beta Kappa poem at Yale University.


Spouse: Peter H. Marris, Guggenheim Fellow in Sociology, 1983

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