James E. Ernst

James E. Ernst

Fellow: Awarded 1929
Field of Study: U.S. History

Competition: US & Canada

University of Illinois, Urbana

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:

Ernst, James Emmanuel:  Appointed for research into the life of Roger Williams in England and a study of the English background of his New England contemporaries with a view to preparing a book on Roger Williams as a creative political thinker and a pioneer of American thought; tenure, twelve months from August 1, 1929.

Born October 17, 1893, at Centerport, Pennsylvania. Education:  Muhlenberg College, B. A., 1917; University of Pennsylvania, M. A., 1922; Philadelphia Lutheran Theological Seminary, B. D., 1925; University of Washington, Ph. D., 1926.

Head of English, 1922–24, Jamestown College; Fellow in English, 1924–25, Associate, 1925–26, University of Washington; Instructor in English, 1926–27, Associate, 1927—, University of Illinois.

Publications: “The Political Thought of Roger Williams,” 1929. Contributor to “The Connecticut Wits,” edited by Vernon L. Parrington, 1925. Reviews in The Journal of English and Germanic Philology.

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