Louise Bogan

Louise Bogan

Fellow: Awarded 1933
Field of Study: Poetry

Competition: US & Canada

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1933–34:

BOGAN, LOUISE:  Appointed for creative writing, abroad; tenure, twelve months from April 1, 1933.

Born August 11, 1897, at Livermore Falls, Maine.  Education:  Boston University, 1915–16.

Associate editor, 1924–25, The Measure: A Journal of Poetry.

Publications:  Body of this Death, 1923; Dark Summer, 1929. Poems in The Century, Scribner’s Magazine, The Nation, The Measure: A Journal of Poetry, The Liberator, The New Republic, Poetry, The Saturday Review of Literature. Represented by poems in The New Poetry, Twentieth Century Poetry, Modern American Poetry, Lyric America, The Answering Voice, City Day, May Days, American Poets: 1630–1930, Anthologie de la Nouvelle Poèsie Américaine.


Poet Laureate, 1945-46
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