Miguel Covarrubias

Miguel Covarrubias

Fellow: Awarded 1933
Field of Study: Fine Arts
Fellow: Awarded 1940
Field of Study: Fine Arts

Competition: US & Canada

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1933–34:

COVARRUBIAS, MIGUEL:  Appointed for creative work in painting, in the Dutch East Indies; tenure, twelve months from August 10, 1933.

Born November 22, 1904, in Mexico.

Exhibited at the Whitney Studio Club, New York Art Center, Museum of Modern Art, and at exhibitions in Chicago, Baltimore and Los Angeles. Designed scenery and costumes for Androcles and the Lion, produced in New York by the Theatre Guild, 1926; and for Revue Nègre produced at the Champs Elyseés Theatre in Paris, 1926.

Publications:  The Prince of Wales and Other Famous Americans, 1925; Negro Drawings, 1927. Illustrator of Blues, Adventures of an African Slaver, Meaning No Offence, The John Riddell Murder Case, Born to Be, Frankie and Johnny, In the Worst Possible Taste, Chine, Batouala.

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