Richard Sieburth

Richard Sieburth

Fellow: Awarded 2012
Field of Study: Translation

Competition: US & Canada

New York University

Richard Sieburth’s book-length translations include from the German, Friedrich Hölderlin’s Hymns and Fragments, Georg Büchner’s Lenz, Gershom Sholem’s The Fullness of Time: Poems, and Walter Benjamin’s Moscow Diary; and, from the French, Nostradamus’s Prophecies, Maurice Scève’s Délie, Gérard de Nerval’s Selected Writings and The Salt Smugglers, Henri Michaux’s Emergences/Resurgences and Stroke by Stroke, Michel Leiris’s Nights as Day, Days as Night, and Guillevic’s Geometries.  He is currently working on an edition/translation of Late Baudelaire.  In the field of Pound studies, he has published Instigations: Ezra Pound and Remy de Gourmont, Signs into Action: Pound/Michaux, as well as editions (for New Directions) of Pound’s Walking Tour in Southern France, The Pisan Cantos, and New Selected Poems and Translations, as well as (for The Library of America) Pound’s Poems & Translations.  He teaches French and Comparative Literature at New York University and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

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