Robert R. Dieterle

Robert R. Dieterle

Fellow: Awarded 1928
Field of Study: Medicine and Health

Competition: US & Canada

State Psychopathic Hospital, Ann Arbor; University of Michigan

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1928:

Dieterle, Robert Richard: Appointed for continuation of his researches upon spirochetosis of the central nervous system in general paralysis of the insane and to investigate spirochetosis in meningo-vascular syphilis and tabes dorsalis, principally with Professor F. Jahnel, Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie (Kaiser Wilhelm Institute), Munich; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1928.

Born July 18, 1896, at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Education: University of Michigan, College of Arts and Sciences, 1914–17; School of Music, 1914–18, with Theodore Presser, Scholarship in Voice; College of Medicine, 1917–18 and 1920–23, M.D., 1923.

Technical Assistant and Research Assistant, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan, 1911–17, Assistant in Dental Pathology, 1920, Assistant in Physiological Chemistry, 1922, University of Michigan. Resident Physician, 1923–24, Neuro-Pathologist, 1924–28, Associate Physician, 1926–27, State Psychopathic Hospital, Instructor in Neuro-Pathology and Psychiatry, 1926–28. Graduate study in Munich and Berlin, July–November, 1925.

Publications: Articles in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Nervous and Metnal Diseases, Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, and Anniversary Volume for Alfred Scott Warthin. Microphotographs for Burr’s “Practical Psychology and Psychiatry” and in H. C. Solomon’s article on general paralysis for the “Oxford Medicine.”


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