Shana Kelley

Shana Kelley

Fellow: Awarded 2022
Field of Study: Chemistry

Competition: US & Canada

Dr. Shana Kelley is the Neena B. Schwartz Professor in the Departments of Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, and Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics at Northwestern University. The Kelley research group works in a variety of areas spanning biophysical/bioanalytical chemistry, chemical biology and nanotechnology, and has pioneered new methods for tracking molecular and cellular analytes with unprecedented sensitivity. The electrochemical sensing systems and rare cell profiling technologies developed by Kelley have allowed measurement of biological and physiological phenomena that are not detectable with existing approaches.

Dr. Kelley received her Ph.D. in Chemistry at Caltech under Prof. Jacqueline Barton, studying the dynamics of electron transfer reactions in DNA and was a NIH postdoctoral fellow at Scripps working with Prof. Paul Schimmel on tRNA structure-function relationships.

Dr. Kelley and the work of her research lab has been recognized with the ACS Inorganic Nanoscience Award, the Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, a Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar award. Kelley is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, and the American Institute of Biological and Medical Engineering. Kelley is an inventor on over 50 patents issued worldwide. She is a founder of four life sciences companies.

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