William Charvat

William Charvat

Fellow: Awarded 1943
Field of Study: American Literature

Competition: US & Canada

New York University

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:

CHARVAT, WILLIAM. Appointed for studies of the profession of authorship in America in the 19th century, including the effect of public taste and economic pressure upon the work of a group of American writers; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1941.

Born July 15, 1905, New York City.  Education:  New York University, B.S., 1927, M.A., 1929; University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., 1934.

Assistant in English, 1927–29, Instructor, 1931–36, Assistant Professor, 1936—, New York University; Assistant in English, 1929–31, University of Pennsylvania. Visiting Professor, Ohio State University, Summer, 1938.

Publications:  The Origins of American Critical Thought, 1936. Co-author of New Highways in American College Composition, 1943.  Co-editor of William Hickling Prescott, 1943. Articles in American Literature, New England Quarterly, College English, Publications of the Modern Language Association.

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