Alzada Comstock
Alzada Comstock
Competition: US & Canada
Mount Holyoke College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:
Comstock, Alzada: Appointed to make a study of the League of Nations’ financial reconstruction work in Hungary, with especial reference to tazation and the use of the international loan; tenure, nine months from June 1, 1926.
Born November 23, 1888, at Waterford, Connecticut. Education: Mount Holyoke College, B.A., 1910, 1910–11; Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, Research Fellowship, 1911–12; Columbia University (Bardwell Memorial Fellowship from Mount Holyoke College, 1912–13), M.A., 1913, Ph.D., 1921; London School of Economics, 1919.
Instructor in Economics and Sociology, 1913–17, Associate Professor, 1917–26, Mount Holyoke College; Associate in Economics, Barnard College, 1921–22; Statistical expert, Massachusetts Minimum Wage Commission, summers 1914, 1915.
Publications: “State Taxation of Personal Incomes,” Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law, 1921; articles in Barron’s, Review of Reviews, Annalist, American Economic Review, North American Review, Journal of Political Economy.