André Weil
André Weil
Competition: US & Canada
Lehigh University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:
WEIL, ANDRÉ. Appointed principally for the preparation of a book on the foundations of algebraic geometry; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1944.
Born May 6, 1906, in France. Education: Sorbonne University, Lic. ès Sc., 1923, D.Sc., 1928. Fellow of the Rockefeller Foundation at the University of Göttingen, 1926–27; Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, 1937.
Professor of Mathematics, 1930–32, Aligarh University; Professor of Mathematics, 1933–40, University of Strasbourg; Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1941–43, New School for Social Research; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Lehigh University.
Publications: Arithmétique et Géométrie sur les varieties algébriques, 1935; Sur les espaces à structure uniformed et sur la topologie générale, 1937; L’intégration dans les groups topologiques et ses applications, 1940. Articles in Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, Rendiconti dei Lincie, Acta Mathematica, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, Hamburger Abhandlungen, Mathematische Annalen, Recueil Mathématique de Moscou, Journal de Liouville, Crelles Journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.