Anthony Bebbington

Anthony Bebbington
Competition: US & Canada
Clark University
Anthony Bebbington is Director of the Graduate School of Geography and Milton P. and Alice C. Higgins Professor of Environment and Society at Clark University, Professorial Research Fellow in the School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester, UK and Research Associate of the Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales, Peru. He is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and has held fellowships at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, the Iberoamerican Institute/Free University in Berlin, and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization in Chile, and a Distinguished Visiting Professorship at the University of Queensland Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining. In 2010 he received the Robert McC. Netting Award from the Cultural and Political Ecology Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers, and in 2014 the Carl O. Sauer Distinguished Scholarship Award from the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers.
Bebbington has long been concerned to understand the relationships between the political economy of development, environment, and democratization, above all in Latin America. His recent research in this area has asked how the rapid expansion of investment in mining, oil, and gas industries in South and Central America has transformed rural territories, and the extent to which social conflicts surrounding this process have driven changes in environmental governance. His earlier research focused on NGOs, peasant organizations, and rural development. He recently chaired an expert panel to the Ministers of Environment and Economy in El Salvador, for a Strategic Environmental Assessment of El Salvador’s Mining Sector. His most recent books include Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil and Gas in Latin America (University of Texas Press, 2013, ed. with J. Bury); Social Conflict, Economic Development and Extractive Industries: Evidence from Latin America (Routledge, 2012, ed.); Industrias Extractivas, Conflicto Social y Dinámicas Institucionales en la Región Andina (IEP/CEPES, 2013); Movimientos Sociales y la Política de la Pobreza en el Perú (IEP/CEPES, with M. Scurrah and C. Bielich, 2011), Can NGOs Make A Difference? The Challenge of Development Alternatives (ed, with S. Hickey, D. Mitlin, 2008), and Minería, Movimientos Sociales y Respuestas Campesinas: Una Ecología Política de Transformaciones Territoriales (IEP/CEPES, 2007 ed.).