Bang Geul Han

Bang Geul Han

Fellow: Awarded 2024
Field of Study: Fine Arts

Competition: US & Canada

Working between video, performance, code, and weaving, Bang Geul Han engages with text as sites of disclosure and declaration that blur and complicate distinctions between public and private. Whether in the form of generative animation or experimental textiles, her artworks function as alternative archives that highlight both the systemic limitations and the subversive potential of language and technology. Born and raised in South Korea and based in New York City, Han’s recent solo exhibitions include “If You Grind The Threshold of Three Other Houses” at the Bronx Museum and “Land of Tenderness” at The 8th Floor, The Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation, which were reviewed in 4Columns, The New York Times, Artforum and Brooklyn Rail, among others. Han is a 2023 Creative Capital Awardee and 2024 Artist in Residence at the Museum of Arts and Design. She received her MFA in Electronic Integrated Arts from NYSCC at Alfred University in Alfred, NY, and her BFA in Painting from Seoul National University in Korea. Han is an associate professor at the College of Staten Island/CUNY. Her current project explores incongruities within perceptions of private liberties, bodily autonomy, and public interdependence through political realities concerning both reproductive rights and gun ownership.

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