Brand Blanshard
Brand Blanshard
Competition: US & Canada
Swarthmore College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
Blanshard, Brand: Appointed to complete a volume on “The Place of Intelligence in Human Nature”; research principally in the British Museum and Bodleian Libraries; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1929.
Born August 27, 1892, at Fredericksburg, Ohio. Education: University of Michigan, B. A., as of 1914; Columbia University, M. A., 1918; University of Oxford, Rhodes Scholar from Michigan, 1913–15, 1919–20 (Merton College), B. Sc., 1920; Harvard University, Ph. D., 1921 (Sears Scholar in Philosophy, 1920–21).
Lecturer in Philosophy, 1917–18, Summer 1921, Columbia University; Instructor, 1919, A. E. F. University, Beaune, France; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, 1921–25, University of Michigan; Associate Professor of Philosophy, 1925–28, Professor, 1928—, Swarthmore College.
Publications: “Moral Philosophy, a Program of Study for Honors Students,” 1928. Articles and reviews in Philosophical Review, and Journal of Philosophy.