Carol Harrison

Carol Harrison

Fellow: Awarded 2024
Field of Study: Religion

Competition: US & Canada

Carol E. Harrison is professor of history at the University of South Carolina, specializing in women and religion in modern Europe. She is a graduate of Louisiana State University and Oxford University, where she completed her doctorate as a Rhodes Scholar. Her early research focused on gender and class formation and the history of French scientific exploration of Australia and the South Pacific. Her 2014 monograph, Romantic Catholics: France’s Postrevolutionary Generation in Search of a Modern Faith, turned to religious history and set the stage for her current project on Vatican I. Her most recent book, co-authored with Thomas J. Brown, is Zouave Theaters: Transnational Military Fashion and Performance, which examines the gender and ethnic cross-dressing appeal of the Zouave uniform as it became a global fashion fad. She is a former editor of French Historical Studies and is currently president of the South Carolina Conference of the American Association of University Professors.

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