Chris Collins
Chris Collins
Competition: US & Canada
My research has evolved into three interrelated strands: foundational issues in syntactic theory (including the formalization of syntactic theory), the syntax of English (including recent monographs on anaphora and negation), and the syntax of African languages (including the west African language Ewe, and the Khoisan languages).
For the Guggenheim fellowship, I will spend the academic year 2015-2016 doing research on the eastern Khoisan languages of Botswana, none of which has been documented. In particular, I will write a dictionary of Sasi and a grammar of Kua.
My publications include A Grammatical Sketch of N|uuki with Stories (2011, co-authored with Levi Namaseb), Imposters (2012, co-authored with Paul Postal), Classical NEG Raising (2014, co-authored with Paul Postal) and A Grammar of ǂHoan (2014, co-authored with Jeffrey Gruber).
I currently live in NYC where I am professor of linguistics at New York University.