Conrado F. Asenjo

Conrado F. Asenjo
Competition: Latin America & Caribbean
School of Tropical Medicine, University of Puerto Rico
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
Latin American Exchange Fellows, 1937
Appointed from Puerto Rico:
ASENJO, CONRADO FEDERICO: Appointed for a systematic study of the chemical composition and active principles of the medicinal and poisonous plants of the West Indies; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1937.
Born December 6, 1908, at San Juan, Puerto Rico. Education: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Ch. E., 1933; School of Tropical Medicine of the University of Puerto Rico, Certificates in Chemistry of Food and Nutrition and in Clinical Pathology, 1935; University of Puerto Rico, Certificate in Botany, 1936.
Assistant in Chemistry, 1933–35, Instructor, 1936—, School of Tropical Medicine of the University of Puerto Rico; Research Assistant, 1935–36, Department of Agriculture of Puerto Rico.
Publications: Articles in Science, Puerto Rican Journal of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Independent Journal of Columbia University, Revista de Agricultura de Puerto Rico.