Earl M. Hildebrand
Earl M. Hildebrand
Competition: US & Canada
Cornell University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1939–40:
HILDEBRAND, EARL MARTIN: Appointed for research on the modes of transmission of certain new virus diseases of fruit plants; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1939.
Born February 22, 1902, at Wolf River, Wisconsin. Education: River Falls (Wisconsin) Teachers College, Diploma, 1923; University of Wisconsin, B.S., 1928, M.S., 1929, Ph.D., 1931.
High School Teacher, 1923–26; Agent, 1928, United States Bureau of Fisheries; Agent, 1928–32, United States Department of Agriculture; Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, 1932—, Cornell University.
Publications: Articles in Phytopathology, Journal of Agricultural Research, Wisconsin, Bulletin, News for Nurserymen, Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Journal of Economic Entomology, American Journal of Botany, Plant Disease Reporter, Proceedings of the New York State Horticultural Society, Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station Memoirs, Journal of Bacteriology, American Fruit Grower, Botanical Review. Contributor to Manual of Methods for Pure Culture Study of Bacteria, 1938.