Frank C. Hoyt

Frank C. Hoyt
Competition: US & Canada
University of Chicago
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:
Hoyt, Frank Clark: Appointed for research in the newer forms of the quantum theory and their applications to radiation and atomic structure, principally with Professor E. Schrödinger at the University of Zürich, Switzerland; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1927.
Born September 12, 1898, at Chicago, Illinois. Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S.B., 1918, S.M., 1920; Stanford University, Ph.D., 1921.
Assistant in Physics, 1918–19, Instructor 1919–20, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Assistant in Physics, 1920–21, Stanford University; Instructor, 1921–22, University of Wisconsin; Fellow in Physics, National Research Council, 1922–23, in Copenhagen, Denmark; study in Copenhagen, 1923–24; Fellow, National Research Council, 1924–26, Research Associate, 1926–27, Assistant Professor, 1927—, University of Chicago.
Publications: Articles in Physical Review, Philosophical Magazine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.