Gladys A. Reichard

Gladys A. Reichard
Competition: US & Canada
Barnard College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:
Reichard, Gladys Amanda: Appointed for research to determine what characteristics distinguish the art style of Melanesia from the art of the rest of the world, based on a study of the collections in the Hamburg (Germany) Museum, and also for study in the phonetic laboratories at Hamburg, with special reference to the languages of Melanesia; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1926.
Born July 17, 1893, at Bangor, Pennsylvania. Education: Swarthmore College, A.B., 1919; Columbia University, A.M., 1920, Ph.D., 1926; Lucretia Mott Fellowship from Swarthmore College, 1919–20.
Teacher, Rural Public Schools, Northampton County (Pennsylvania), 1909–11; Public Schools, Bangor (Pennsylvania), 1911–15; teacher of Latin and mathematics, R. L. Stevenson School for Girls, New York City, 1920–21; Assistant in Anthropology, Barnard College, 1921–22; Research Fellow in Anthropology, University of California, 1922–23; Instructor in Anthropology, Barnard College, 1923—.
Publications: “Wiyot Grammar and Texts,” 1925, University of California; Publications in American Anthropology and Ethnology; Articles in Journal of American Folk-Lore and American Anthropologist.