I. L. Chaikoff

I. L. Chaikoff
Competition: US & Canada
University of California, Berkeley
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1941–42:
CHAIKOFF, I. L.: Appointed for investigations with radioactive phosphorus and iodine as indicators of metabolic processes in the animal; and preparation of a monograph on the physiological and biochemical aspects of the lipid metabolism; tenure, twelve months from August 15, 1941.
Born July 2, 1902, in England. Education: University of Toronto, B.A., 1924, M.A., 1925, Ph.D., 1927, M.D., 1930.
Instructor in Physiology, 1930–31, Assistant Professor, 1931–38, Associate Professor, 1938—, University of California.
Publications: Articles in Journal of Biological Chemistry, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, American Journal of Physiology, Journal of Nutrition, American Journal of Pathology, Annual Review of Biochemistry, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Science.