Karl Shapiro
Karl Shapiro
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:
SHAPIRO, KARL JAY. Appointed for creative work in poetry; tenure, twelve months.
Born November 10, 1913, Baltimore, Maryland. Education: Johns Hopkins University, 1937–39.
Sergeant, U. S. Army, 1941—.
Publications: Poems, 1935; Person, Place and Thing, 1942; The Place of Love, 1942; V-Letter and Other Poems, 1944. Contributor to Five Young American Poets, 1941; Anthology of Magazine Verse, 1942; New Poems, 1942, 1943, 1944; An American Anthology, 1942; An American Decade, 1943. Poems in Nation, New Republic, Poetry, New Yorker, Contemporary Magazine of Verse, Anvil, Harper’s Magazine, Partisan Review, Good Housekeeping, Old Line, Chimera, Meanjin Papers (Brisbane, Queensland), Comment (Melbourne, Victoria), Southerly (English Association, Sydney University, Sydney, New South Wales), Angry Penguins (Adelaide, South Australia).