Leonard Dupee White
Leonard Dupee White
Competition: US & Canada
University of Chicago
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:
White, Leonard D.: Appointed for a study of the trade unions and professional organization in the public service of Great Britain; tenure, six months from June 10, 1927.
Born January 17, 1891, at Acton, Massachusetts. Education: Dartmouth College, B.S., 1914, A.M., 1915; University of Chicago, Ph.D., 1921; Parker Fellow, 1914–15, University of Chicago; Clark University, 1916–18; Harvard University, summer, 1917.
Instructor in Government, Clark College, 1915-18; Instructor in Political Science, 1918–19, Assistant Professor, 1919–20, Dartmouth College; Associate Professor of Political Science, 1920–25, Professor, 1925—, University of Chicago.
Publications: “Introduction to the Study of Public Administration,” 1926; “Status of Scientific Research in Illinois by State Agencies,” 1923; “An Evaluation of the System of Central Financial Control of Research in State Governments,” 1925; “Conditions of Municipal Employment in Chicago,” 1925; and articles in Michigan Law Review, Journal of the American Bar Association, National Municipal Review, American Political Science Review, Annals of the American Academy, Journal of Personnel Research, Journal of Political Economy, Les Sciences Administratives.