Louis Adamic
Louis Adamic
Fellow: Awarded 1932
Field of Study: Fiction
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1931–32:
(Profile photograph by Witzel)
ADAMIC, LOUIS: Appointed for creative writing, abroad; tenure, twelve months from May 1, 1932.
Born March 23, 1899, in Yugoslavia. Education: Three years at the Gymnasium, Ljubljana.
Publications: Robinson Jeffers: A Portrait, 1929; Dynamite: The Story of Class Violence in America, 1931; Laughing in the Jungle, 1932; Yerney’s Justice (translated from the Yugoslav of Ivan Cankar), 1926. Articles and short stories in The American Mercury, Harpers Magazine, Scribner’s Magazine, Outlook, The New Republic, Plain Talk, Commonweal, and The Living Age.