Monika Piazzesi

Monika Piazzesi

Fellow: Awarded 2014
Field of Study: Economics

Competition: US & Canada

Stanford University

Monika Piazzesi is the Joan Kenny Professor of Eocnomics at Stanford University. She is the program director of the NBER Asset Pricing Program and a co-editor of the Journal of Political Economy. She is also a research affiliate for CEPR. In 2007–2008, she served as monetary advisor to the Federal Reserve Bnak of Minneapolis. Prior to joining the Stanford facutly, she taught at the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business and at UCLA’s Anderson School of Business. She received the Elaine Bennett Research Prize and the Bernazer Prize for Research in Macroeconomics and Finance. She holds a diploma in economics from the University of Bonn in Germany and a PhD in economics from Stanford University.

Her research focuses on the interaction between the macroeconomy and financial markets. Her research measures the impact of monetary policy on the yield curve and the reflection of macroeconomic conditions in the yield curve more broadly. Her work on housing documents the importance of market segmentation, the distribution of houses and buyer characteristics, the contribution of exuberant house price expectations on house prices during the early 2000s, and the impact of easy credit on poorer households. During her Guggenheim Fellowship term, she will study the risk exposures of individual banks and the banking sector as a whole.


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