Myron Gordon

Myron Gordon
Competition: US & Canada
Cornell University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
GORDON, MYRON: Appointed for an analysis of the evolutionary process in the development of the Mexican Platyfishes by study of their variability, geographical distribution, heredity and factors of hybridization; tenure, twelve months from October 1, 1938.
Born December 11, 1899, in Russia. Education: New York State College of Agriculture, B.S., 1925; Cornell University, M.S., 1926, Ph.D., 1929. National Research Council Fellow, Mexico and University of Michigan, 1929–31.
Research Assistant, 1925–29, Research Zoologist, 1931–37, Cornell University. Instructor, Summers, 1924–26, Biological Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor; Biologist, Summer, 1927, New York State Biological Survey; Ichthyologist, Summer, 1937, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Biological Survey.
Publications: Articles and abstracts in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Genetics, Journal of Heredity, American Journal of Cancer, Copeia, American Yearbook, Anatomical Record, Yearbook of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Fish Culturist, American Scholar, New York Zoological Society Bulletin, Bulletin de la Société Nationale d’Acclimation, School Science and Mathematics, Aquatic Life, Aquarium, American Mercury, Aquarium News, Natural History, Canadian Aquaria, Nature Magazine, Home Aquarium Bulletin, American Naturalist, Blätter für Aquarien und Terrarien Kunde, Science Digest.