Pierre Robert Vigneron
Pierre Robert Vigneron
Competition: US & Canada
University of Chicago
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1935–36:
VIGNERON, PIERRE ROBERT: Appointed for a psychological and critical study of Stendhal’s life and works from his return to France in 1821 to his departure for Italy in 1830, with special reference to his personal and literary relationship with England and Italy, his activities in the Romantic movement, and his analysis of French society and manners during the Restoration period; tenure, twelve months from September 26, 1936.
Born January 19, 1897, in France. Education: Sorbonne, Licence ès Lettres, 1915; Sorbonne, 1919–21; Ecole Normale Supérieure, 1919–22: Diplôme d’études supérieures, 1920, Agrégation des letters, 1921.
Assistant Professor of French Literature, 1923–29, Associate Professor, 1929–35, Professor, 1935—, University of Chicago.
Publications: Articles and review in Revue des Cours et Conférences, Modern Language Journal, Modern Philology, Revue de littérature compare, Saturday Review of Literature, Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France, Journal of Modern History.