Rachel Sargent Robinson
Rachel Sargent Robinson
Competition: US & Canada
North Central College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1928:
Sargent, Rachel L.: Appointed for study, in Greece, of the social and economic life of Ancient Greece, especially slavery; tenure, twelve months from October 15, 1928.
Born February 10, 1891, at Methuen, Massachusetts. Education: Bates College, A.B., 1914; University of Illinois, A.M., 1917, (Scholar in Classics 1916-17), Ph.D., 1923.
Teacher, Westbrook Seminary (Portland, Maine), 1914-16; Champaign (Illinois) High School, 1917-20; Shortridge High School (Indianapolis), 1920-22; University High School (Urbana, Illinois), 1922-24; Head of Classics Department, North Central College (Naperville, Illinois), 1924—.
Publications: “The Size of the Slave Population at Athens in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries Before Christ,” 1924; articles in Classical Philology.
Spouse: Rodney Potter Robinson, Guggenheim Fellow in Classics, 1928