Robert Choate Tryon
Robert Choate Tryon
Competition: US & Canada
University of California, Berkeley
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1939–40:
TRYON, ROBERT CHOATE: Appointed for the writing of a book on the inheritance of ability to learn and on the biological and psychological correlates of differences in ability; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1939.
Born September 4, 1901, at Butte, Montana. Education: University of California, A.B., 1924, Ph.D., 1928. National Research Council Fellow, 1928–30.
Research Associate in Psychology, 1930–31, Assistant Professor, 1931–37, Associate Professor, 1937—, University of California.
Publications: Correlation Form, 1932; Cluster Analysis, 1939. Articles in Journal of Comparative Psychology, University of California Publications in Psychology, Psychological Review, Journal of Experimental Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology.