Roland Mitchell Smith

Roland Mitchell Smith

Fellow: Awarded 1928
Field of Study: Medieval Literature
Fellow: Awarded 1929
Field of Study: Medieval Literature

Competition: US & Canada

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1928:

Smith, Roland Mitchell: Appointed to make a study of the historical and legal literature of ancient Ireland, with special reference to Celtic parallels in the Welsh laws and historical works and the relationships and intercourse of the early Irish and Welsh and Northumbrian peoples of the Island of Britain; principally in the libraries of Dublin and in the British Museum; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1928.

Born April 13, 1896, at Brooklyn, New York. Education:  Wesleyan University, B.A., 1918, M.A., 1920; Harvard University, A.M., 1924 (Shattuck Scholar, 1923–24).

Assistant in English, Wesleyan University (Middletown, Connecticut), 1919–20; Instructor in English, Williams College, 1920–22; Instructor in English, Phillips Exeter Academy, 1924 (second half-year); Assistant Professor of English, Williams College, 1924–25; Assistant Professor of English, Wesleyan University, 1925—.

Publications: Articles in Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie, Revue Celtique, Speculum.

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