Siegfried Kracauer

Siegfried Kracauer

Fellow: Awarded 1943
Field of Study: Film, Video and Radio Studies
Fellow: Awarded 1944
Field of Study: Film, Video and Radio Studies
Fellow: Awarded 1945
Field of Study: Film, Video and Radio Studies

Competition: US & Canada

Museum of Modern Art

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:

KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED.  Appointed for the preparation of a history of German film in relation to the social, political, economic and aesthetic influences that shaped it; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1943.

Born February 8, 1899, in Germany. Education:  Universities and Polytechnical Schools of Berlin and Munich, 1907–13; Polytechnical School of Berlin, Ph.D., 1913.

Member of the editorial staff, 1920–33, Frankfurter Zeitung; engaged in film research, 1941–43, Museum  of Modern Art Film Library.

Publications:  Soziologie als Wissenschaft, 1925; Ginster, 1928 (also published in French); Die Angestellten: Aus dem neuesten Deutschland, 1930 (also published in Czech); Orpheus in Paris: Offenbach and the Paris of his Time, 1937 (also published in French, German, American, Swedish, Czech and Polish editions); Propaganda and the Nazi War Film, 1942. Articles in Frankfurter Zeitung, Logos, Preussische Jahrbücher, Archiv für Sozialwissenschaften, Neue Rundschau.

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