Vladimir Pozner
Vladimir Pozner
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:
POZNER, VLADIMIR. Appointed for creative writing in the field of the novel; tenure, twelve months from May 1, 1943.
Born January 5, 1905, in France. Education: University of the Sorbonne, Licence ès-lettres, 1925.
Editor and journalist, Les Nouvelles Littéraires, Inpress, Vendredi, Messidor and other French journals, 1926–39.
Publications: Panorama de la literature russe contemporaine, 1929 (Czech translation, 1936); URSS, 1932; Tolstoi est mort, 1935 (Czech translation, 1936); Les morts aux dents, 1937 (English translation, Bloody Baron, New York, 1938; The White Despot, London, 1938); Les Etats-Désunis, 1938; Deuil en 24 heures, 1942 (English translation, The Edge of the Sword, New York and London, 1942; Spanish translation, 1942); First Harvest, 1943; Les Gens du Pays, 1943. Translator (1929–35) of Victor Chklovski: Voyage sentimental; Léon Tolstoi: Journal intime inédit; Dostoievski: Journal de Raskolnikov; Serguéev-Tsenski: Transfiguration; Rozanov: L’Apocalypse de notre temps; N. Tikhonov: Tête Brulée; Dostoievski: Lettres à son frère.