Walter Schiffer

Walter Schiffer

Fellow: Awarded 1944
Field of Study: Political Science
Fellow: Awarded 1946
Field of Study: Political Science

Competition: US & Canada

Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1943–44:

SCHIFFER, WALTER BERNHARD.  Appointed for a study of the conflicting theoretical ideas underlying the creation and activity of the League of Nations, with special reference to post-war problems of international organization; tenure, twelve months from May 1, 1944.

Born January 17, 1906, in Germany.  Education:  Universities of Breslau and Heidelberg, 1924–27; University of Breslau, J. D., 1927; Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Dr. ès Sciences Politiques, 1937.

Judge, 1931–33, Judicial Administration of Germany; Research Fellow, 1937–41, Geneva Research Centre; Research Assistant, 1941–42, Princeton University; Research Assistant, Summer, 1942, Brookings Institution; Research Assistant, 1943—, Institute for Advanced Study.

Publications:  Die Lehre vom Primat des Voelkerrechts in der neueren Literatur, 1937; L’Article 16 du Pacte de la Société des Nations: Son interpretation à la lumière de sa genèse, 1939; Répertoire of Questions of General International Law before the League of Nations, 1942. Articles in Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, American Journal of International Law.


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