Warren O. Ault

Warren O. Ault

Fellow: Awarded 1926
Field of Study: Medieval History

Competition: US & Canada

Boston University

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1926–27:

Ault, Warren Ortman: Appointed for researches in to the origin of the Tudor parish as an institution of local government in England; tenure, eight months (in England) from February 1, 1927.

Born January 8, 1987, Lenexa, Kansas. Education: Baker University, A.B., 1907; Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar from Kansas, B.A., 1910, M.A., 1915; Yale University, Fellowship in History, 1911–1913, Ph.D., 1919.

Instructor in History, Baker University, 1910–11; Instructor in History, 1913–19, Assistant Professor, 1919–24, Huntingdon Professor of History and Chairman of Department of History, 1924—, Boston University; member of the Faculty in the Summer School in Europe, Bureau of University of Travel, 1921–24.

Publications: “Private Jurisdiction in England,” 1922. Editor, “Court Rolls of the Abbey of Ramsey and of Other English Honors,” 1926.


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