William C. Krumbein
William C. Krumbein
Competition: US & Canada
University of Chicago
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1941–42:
KRUMBEIN, WILLIAM CHRISTIAN: Appointed for an investigation of the dynamical processes by which sedimentary particles are abraded, changed in shape, and sorted in to the deposits found in nature; tenure, twelve months from June 9, 1941.
Born January 28, 1902, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Education: University of Chicago, Ph.D., 1926, M.S., 1930, Ph.D., 1932.
Instructor in Geology, 1933–39, Assistant Professor, 1939—, University of Chicago.
Publications: Down to Earth, 1936 (with Carey Croneis); Manual of Sedimentary Petrography, 1938 (with F. J. Pettijohn). Articles in Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Journal of Geology, American Journal of Science, Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paleontologie, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Recent Marine Sediments, A. A. P. G. Bulletin, Proceedings of the Sixth Pacific Scientific Congress.