Aaron Copland

Aaron Copland
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Annual Report for 1925-26:
Copland, Aaron: Appointed for creative work in the field of musical composition and for the study of contemporary European music; tenure, twelve months from October 1, 1925; reappointed for twelve months from October 1, 1926.
Born November 14, 1900, at Brooklyn, New York. Education: Studied harmony, counterpoint, fugue and composition with Mr. Rubin Goldmark, 1917-21; Conservatoire Américain at Fontainbleau (composition), summer, 1921, receiving a “Première Mention Honorable” de composition musicale; private study of composition with Mlle. Nadia Boulanger, Paris, 1921-24.
Compositions: “Scherzo Humoristique,” piano solo, (1919); “Passacaglia,” piano solo, (1922); “Old Poem,” voice and piano, (1923); Four Motets for mixed chorus, “A Cappella,” (1921); “The House on the Hill,” (Edwin Arlington Robinson) and “An Immortality” (Ezra Pound), choruses for women’s voices (1925); “As it Fell upon a Day” (Richard Barnfield), song for soprano, flute and clarinet (1923); “Rondino” for string quartet (on the name of “Gabriel Fauré”), (1922); “Pastorale, “ “Alone,” songs for voice and piano (1920-22); “Symphony” for organ and orchestra, (first performance January 11, 1925, Symphony Society of New York, Walter Damrosch); “Music for the Theatre,” Suite in five movements for small orchestra (first performance November 20, 1925, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Sergei Koussevitzky); “Grohg,” ballet in one act, (1926); two pieces for violin and piano: (a) “Nocturne,” (b) “Serenade,” (1926). Articles on music contributed to various musical magazines.