Arturo Torres-Rioseco
Arturo Torres-Rioseco
Competition: US & Canada
University of California, Berkeley
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1931–32:
Latin American Exchange Fellows, 1932
Appointed from the United States:
TORRES-RIOSECO, ARTURO: Appointed for a study of the Spanish-American novel with regard to its historical development, its psychological expression and its sociological influences; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1932.
Born October 18, 1897, in Chile. Education: University of Chile, A.B., 1916; University of Minnesota, M.A., 1924, Ph.D., 1931.
Instructor in Romance Languages, 1919–21, Williams College; Instructor in Romance Languages, 1921–25, University of Minnesota; Associate Professor of Spanish and Spanish-American Literature, 1925–28, University of Texas; Associate Professor of Spanish-American Literature, 1928—, University of California; University of Mexico, Summer, 1922, 1930; Columbia University, Summer, 1926; Stanford University, Summer, 1931.
Publications: En el encantamiento, 1921; Walt Whitman, 1922; Precursores del Modernismo, 1925; Chilean Short Stories, 1929; Poemas inéditos de Fr. Manuel Navarrete, 1929; Rubén Darío, 1931. Articles in Hispania, Nosotros, Southwestern Political and Social Science Quarterly, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Chile, Letras, Repertorio Americano, Atenea, Indice, Living Age, Romanic Review, Modern Language Journal, Cosmópolis, Cervantes, Revista Bimestre Cubana, Cuba Contemporánea, La Gaceta Literaria.