August William Derleth

August William Derleth
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1937–38:
DERLETH, AUGUST WILLIAM: Appointed for creative writing; tenure, twelve months from April 10, 1938.
Born February 24, 1909, at Sauk City, Wisconsin. Education: University of Wisconsin, B.A., 1930.
Publications: Place of Hawks, 1935; Still Is the Summer Night, 1937; Wind Over Wisconsin, 1938; Hawk on the Wind (poems), 1938. Stories, articles and poems in This Quarter, Pagany, Midland, Prairie Schooner, Trend, Modern Thinker, Frontier, Contempo, Windsor Quarterly, Anvil, Westminster Magazine, Story, Lion and Unicorn, London Daily Express, Space, Scribner’s Magazine, Manuscript, Direction, Voices, Brooklyn Eagle Magazine, Household, New Republic, Commonweal, Literary America, Real America, Redbook Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, Poetry, Hinterland, Reading and Collecting. Contributor to Contemporary American Men Poets, 1937; Best Poems of 1937. Editor (with R. E. F. Larsson), Poetry Out of Wisconsin, 1937.