Chad Mirkin

Chad Mirkin
Competition: US & Canada
Chad A. Mirkin, PhD is the Director of the International Institute for Nanotechnology and the Rathmann Professor of Chemistry and Medicine at Northwestern University. He is known for his invention and development of spherical nucleic acids and Dip-Pen Nanolithography and related cantilever-free nanopatterning and materials discovery methodologies. He has authored >870 papers and >1,200 patents worldwide (>430 issued) and founded ten companies. Prof. Mirkin has been recognized with over 250 national and international awards including the Wilhelm Exner Medal, the Dan David Prize, the National Academy of Sciences Sackler Prize in Convergence Research, and the King Faisal Prize from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He served for eight years on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science & Technology, and he is one of very few scientists to be elected to all three US National Academies. Mirkin has served on the Editorial Advisory Boards of over 30 scholarly journals, is the founding editor of the journal Small, and is a Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Editorial Board Member. He has given >900 invited lectures and educated >320 graduate students and postdocs.