Clifford Kirkpatrick

Clifford Kirkpatrick

Fellow: Awarded 1936
Field of Study: Sociology

Competition: US & Canada

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1935–36:


KIRKPATRICK, CLIFFORD:  Appointed for an investigation in Germany and Austria of the cultural status of women and of clinical and psycho-analytic methods in relation to marital adjustment; tenure, twelve months from August 1, 1936.


Born October 22, 1898, at Leominster, Massachusetts. Education: Clark University, A.B., 1920, M.A., 1922; University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., 1925 (Harrison Fellow, 1924–25).


Instructor of Sociology, 1923–24, Brown University; Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1926–30, University of Pennsylvania; Associate Professor of Sociology, 1930-35, Professor, 1935—, University of Minnesota. Visiting Professor, University of Virginia Summer Sessions, 1926, 1928.


Publications: Capital Punishment, 1925; Intelligence and Immigration, 1926; Religion in Human Affairs, 1929. Articles in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Minnesota Alumni Weekly, American Journal of Sociology, Birth Control Review, Human Biology, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Social Forces, Sociology and Social Research, The Social Studies, Journal of Applied Psychology, American Sociological Review, Journal of Educational Sociology. Contributor to Statistics in Social Studies, 1930; Man and His World, 1930.

Brother: Ralph Leonard Kirkpatrick, Guggenheim Fellow in Music Research, 1936

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