Deane Montgomery

Deane Montgomery
Competition: US & Canada
Smith College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1941–42:
MONTGOMERY, DEANE: Appointed for studies of the action of topological transformation groups on various types of spaces, particularly on Euclidean spaces and manifolds; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1941.
Born September 2, 1909, Weaver, Minnesota. Education: Hamline University, B.A., 1929; University of Iowa, M.S., 1930, Ph.D., 1933; Harvard University, 1933–34; Institute for Advanced Study and Princeton University, 1934–35. National Research Council Fellow, 1933–35.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1935–38, Associate Professor, 1938—, Smith College.
Publications: Articles in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, American Journal of Mathematics, Fundamenta Mathematicae, Duke Mathematical Journal, Annals of Mathematics.