Edith Philips
Edith Philips
Fellow: Awarded 1928
Field of Study: French Literature
Competition: US & Canada
Goucher College
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1928:
Philips, Edith: Appointed to study the Quaker and Quaker ideas in French Literature with particular reference to the eighteenth century and chiefly in French libraries; tenure, twelve months from September 1, 1928.
Born November 3, 1892, at Boston, Massachusetts. Education: Goucher College, A.B., 1913; Doctor de l’Université, Paris, 1923.
Assistant Professor of French, 1923—, Goucher College.
Publications: “Les Bonapartistes Réfugiés en Amérique,” 1923; “Poésies Françaises,” an anthology, 1926; “Louis Hue Girardin and Nicholas Gouin Dufief,” 1925; articles in American Speech, the Modern Language Journal, and Publications of the Modern Language Association of America.