Edward Lee Howes

Edward Lee Howes
Fellow: Awarded 1930
Field of Study: Medicine and Health
Fellow: Awarded 1931
Field of Study: Medicine and Health
Competition: US & Canada
Yale University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
Howes, Edward Lee: Appointed to make studies in problems of wound healing, in certain European clinics; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1930.
Born June 16, 1903, at New Haven, Connecticut. Education: Yale University, B.S., 1925; Yale University School of Medicine, M.D., 1928.
Research Assistant, Department of Surgery, 1925–28, Yale University; House Officer, 1928–29, New Haven Hospital; Davis & Geck Fellow in Surgery, and Assistant Pathologist, 1929–30, Yale University.
Publications: Articles in Journal of the American Medical Association, The Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Archives of Surgery, and The New England Journal of Medicine.