Edwin Eliott Willoughby
Edwin Eliott Willoughby
Competition: US & Canada
Newberry Library
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
Willoughby, Edwin Eliott: Appointed to investigate the typographical problems in the First Folio of Shakespeare, based upon a comparative analysis of the books issued from the Jaggard press, in England; tenure, twelve months from December 1, 1929.
Born November 5, 1899, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Education: Dickinson College, A. B., 1922; University of Chicago, A. M., 1924.
Assistant and Bibliographer in the John M. Wing Foundation (the typographical collection) of the Newberry Library, Chicago, 1922–29.
Publications: Articles, notes and reviews in The Library, Review of English Studies, Anglia, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Library Journal, Library Review, Classical Journal, Speculum.