Ernest R. Lilley
Ernest R. Lilley
Competition: US & Canada
New York University
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
Lilley, Ernest Raymond: Appointed to make a critical study of political and commercial policies regarding the development of mineral resources in the light of present knowledge of the character and extent of such resources, in Europe; tenure, twelve months from July 1, 1930.
Born August 19, 1897, in New York City. Education: New York University, B.S., 1917, M.S., 1918, Sc.D., 1921.
Geologist for various oil companies in mid-continent oil fields, 1918–1920; Instructor in Geology, 1920–23, Assistant Professor, 1923–27, Associate Professor, 1927–30, Professor of Economic Geology, 1930—, New York University.
Publications: “The Oil Industry,” 1925; “The Geology of Petroleum and Natural Gas,” 1928; “Conservation and Stabilization in the American Oil Industry,” published serially in the Oil and Gas Journal, 1928–29. Articles, monographs, and reviews in American Engineering (published in Russian), Catalogue of American Industry (published in Russian), Engineering and Mining Journal, Mining and Metallurgy, The American Yearbook, The Russian Technological Encyclopedia (published in Russian).