Francis R. White

Francis R. White
Competition: US & Canada
As published in the Foundation’s Report for 1929–30:
White, Francis R.: Appointed to study in England, France, and Northern Italy examples of stained glass and the other vitreous arts, enamel, blown glass and mosaic; and to continue creative work in the medium of stained glass; tenure, twelve months from April 1, 1930.
Born April 19, 1907, at Oklahoma, Iowa. Education: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1924–25; special study in Rome and Paris, 1925–26.
Designer and painter of stained glass, Wyoming Valley Stained Glass Studios, 1927–28.
Exhibitions: St. Louis Artists’ Guild and City Museum, 1923, 1924; Pennsylvania Academy, 1924; Public Library, Mason City, Iowa, 1925. Paradise Window purchased for the permanent collection of the Whitney Studio Galleries, 1929.
Photograph credit: Vandamn, New York